Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration With Neograft

Hair Restoration With NeoGraft

NEOGRAFT Hair Transplant Flat Fee Only $7,995!!!
(For up to 2500 grafts)

Say goodbye to hair plugs and hello to a natural, effective solution for thinning, balding and receding hair and hairlines! For our patients experiencing hair loss, we provide NeoGraft and Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy treatments to permanently restore your hairline and hair thickness with minimum discomfort, no linear scarring, and a fast recovery. Rest assured and know that your hair restoration and hair transplantation efforts are amplified through our Gainesville NeoGraft and PRP therapy treatments.

Contact Us

What Is NeoGraft?

Our Gainesville office houses a NeoGraft machine capable of expertly extracting healthy hair follicle grafts via Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The science of FUE focuses on removing healthy hair follicles and injecting them into areas of thinning hair or baldness; as the implanted follicles stimulate hair growth. This hair transplant and hair restoration treatment leaves patients with no linear scar and no lengthy recovery. Our patients notice healthy, natural hair growth in several months!

What Preparation Is Necessary For A NeoGraft Treatment?

Once treatment and donor areas are identified, patients are required to very shortly cut the donor site(s). Patients may wish to cut all of their hair short, so new hair growth looks as natural as possible. Patients with long hair or patients who wish to maintain a certain hairstyle may cut only the donor sites.

How Is A NeoGraft Procedure Performed?

On the day of your treatment, your hair restoration team will numb your entire scalp before harvesting begins. If necessary, your chosen harvest areas will be prepared by cutting or shaving the hair to reveal your healthy, donor follicles.

Dr. Tyrone and his team of experts will guide you through the following steps.

  • The NeoGraft machine easily suctions out healthy hair follicles from the indicated harvest areas.
  • All extracted follicles are separated and sorted into single hair units for implantation. This step is necessary so new hair growth appears natural.
  • The recipient site areas are prepared by creating specific follicle depth and angulation.
  • Each harvested, single hair unit graft is then implanted back into your scalp at the indicated follicle location.

How Long Does A NeoGraft Treatment Take?

Every patient will have a different amount of time dedicated to their treatment. After your consultation, our team will give you their best estimate on the time required for your hair transplant. On average, treatments last between 3 and 8 hours. Note that during graft harvesting our patients will need to lie face down for 2 to 4 hours.

How Long Will My New Hair Last?

Patients will continue to experience hair loss if the cause cannot be remedied. Patients may wish to schedule future NeoGraft appointments to combat continual hair loss and restore hairlines or hair density.

How Soon Will I See Results?

Our patients can expect to see natural-looking new hair growth in 3 to 4 months after their appointment!

Who Is A Good Candidate For A NeoGraft Procedure?

All of our hair restoration procedures in Gainesville require a thorough consultation before scheduling an appointment. A consult allows us to determine the best course of action for your treatment with consideration to your balding pattern and hair loss type. Therefore, all patients are assessed to determine candidacy for a NeoGraft procedure. Age, stage of hair loss, and type of hair loss are all detailed. For female patients, the Ludwig Scale is used to assess hair loss and the Norwood Classification Scale for Hair Loss is used for male patients.

Male Pattern Baldness

Overall, our patients over the age of 30 and experiencing thinning hair are ideal candidates. Unfortunately, if you are entirely bald you cannot partake in this treatment as healthy follicles are required for harvesting.

The majority of our patients experience hair growth at a rate of one inch every couple of months. Each single hair typically continues to grow between two and six years; and the hair remains at any given length for a short period of time before being shed by the body’s hair growth cycle. Males experience baldness when the hair follicle, which is the small cavity that holds each individual hair, begins to shrink. As the hair follicle shrinks the hairs become shorter and thinner in length and texture. Eventually, the hair follicle is empty and fails to grow new hair — which creates balding. The exact reasons that a hair follicle may shrink and fail to reproduce new hair is believed to be based upon genetics and sex hormones. However, the empty follicle remains alive which gives male patients the possibility for new hair growth.

The basis for diagnosing the instance of male pattern baldness is the overall appearance of hair and pattern of hair loss. If hair loss is not determined to be related to male pattern baldness, then there are a number of other medical conditions that could be causing the hair loss; skin biopsy and medical testing will be needed to confirm further diagnosis. Two-thirds of males notice a degree of marked hair loss by the age of 35. By the time a male is 50 years of age, approximately 85 percent of males have significantly thinning hair. Of the amount of males affected by male pattern baldness, nearly 25 percent of men begin experiencing male pattern baldness symptoms by the age of 21.

Norwood Hair Loss Classification Chart

The Norwood Classification Chart ranges from stage one to stage seven of male pattern baldness and is applied to each patient. Our Gainesville plastic surgeon will assess the patient’s severity of hair loss and balding pattern to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Patients may also refer to the Norwood Classification Chart to gain understanding of how their baldness is likely to progress.

While male pattern baldness doesn’t indicate a serious medical disorder, it certainly has the potential to affect confidence and self-esteem as hair loss will progress and is permanent. Our patients note that hair loss affects all aspects of life. Professional relationships and career choices are impacted by male pattern baldness and it is not uncommon for patients to alter career paths due to the hair loss. Additionally, personal and social life are affected — as are relationships.

A hair analysis is not considered accurate for diagnosing nutritional or similar causes of hair loss. A hair analysis can notate substances of arsenic and lead, but cannot diagnosis nutritional or similar causes of hair loss.

Neograft® Cost


  • Our Neograft® Procedures are $7,995. Up to 2500 Grafts.
  • Only $2.50 per graft after 2500 grafts during same procedure
  • Our price is a flat fee as most practices charge $4.00 - $6.00 per graft.
  • Average Cost of a Neograft® Procedure can range anywhere from $10,000 - $15,000 for 2500 grafts.

Results & Recovery

Your grafts will begin to scab at a few days post-treatment. During this time it is vital to be gentle with your scalp and be mindful not to disturb your new grafts in any way. Patients can expect 10 to 12 days of social downtime with this procedure. Our patients can expect to see new hair growth in 3 months after their treatment!

To learn more about hair restoration through NeoGraft, contact us today!

Hair Restoration Treatment

Hair Restoration Treatment Plans

Our Gainesville aesthetics office will design a unique treatment plan to address your cause of hair loss, the severity of hair loss, and identify your balding pattern using either the Ludwig Scale (for female patients) or the Norwood Classification Scale for Hair Loss (for male patients).

A thorough consultation will outline your treatment plan, which will be skillfully and thoughtfully designed with your goals in mind. Let us provide you with full, lush hair and renewed confidence!

See if you are a candidate